There’s never a good time for a blocked drain. However, if you know the early signs of a clogged drain, such as slow drainage and gurgling noises, you can attend to the issue before it becomes larger, costlier, and potentially an emergency situation. 

In the long run, knowing the signs and taking the correct actions can save you a lot of money and stress.

Early Signs of a Blocked Drain

  1. Toilets, basins, or showers, are gurgling. If a toilet is gurgling or making bubbling sounds when flushed, it is one of the earliest signs of a blockage in your sewerage drainage system. This is the same for if your basin is bubbling or gurgling when being used.
  2. Water is draining slowly. Whether it is your toilets, sinks, showers, baths, or even your stormwater, this is one of the earliest and probably most obvious signs of a blocked drain.
  3. Foul smell throughout the home. If you have noticed funky smells or a foul smell throughout your home, it is another early sign that your sewers are starting to block or have already blocked.
  4. The toilet water level rises and then drains slowly. Another early sign of a blocked toilet or blocking sewer service. This sign is perhaps a bit more alarming as you may be afraid of the toilet overflowing but catching it at this point before it actually overflows can save you a lot of stress and money.

I Have Signs of a Blocked Drain, What Can I Do?

There are a couple of steps that you can take to help unblock your drain if you would like to try to fix the issue on your own before calling in a professional.

  1. If you don’t already have one, purchasing one is a good place to start. Using a plunger on your toilet or sink may help to dislodge the blockage. This step may be enough to clear the blockage in conjunction with running hot water down the drain. (You will also now have a plunger handy for any future issues.)
  2. Using drain cleaning chemicals may also help to dislodge or disintegrate a smaller blockage. However, if the cause is a larger one, such as tree roots, this would not be an adequate solution.

Professionals often use CCTV drain cameras to locate and identify blockages, ensuring a precise and effective solution.

If you have carried out these steps and have found that they have not worked, or you don’t want to attempt to clear the drain on your own, it is time to call a local plumber. Depending on the issue, experienced professionals have a range of equipment on board that will help to clear the blockage. This includes a plunger, a hand eel, an electric eel, and a high-pressure water jet.

Common Causes of Blocked Drains

Hair, soap scum, and small objects like jewellery can accumulate over time, creating clogs in bathroom sinks and showers. In kitchen sinks, food particles, grease, and oil are frequent culprits. 

Outside the home, tree roots seeking moisture can infiltrate pipes, causing significant blockages. Tree roots and other blockages can also affect sewer pipes, leading to serious plumbing issues.

Flushing items like wipes, cotton swabs, and dental floss can also lead to drain blockages in toilets.

How Can I Prevent My Drains from Blocking?

There are several preventative actions you can take to help prevent your drain from blocking. These include:

  • Do not put oil or grease down your drains. When they cool, they solidify and can cause your sinks to block. This can help avoid a blocked sewer drain.
  • Flushing only toilet paper – and human waste – down the toilet. This includes not flushing ‘flushable’ wipes, paper towels, cat litter, and feminine hygiene products down the drain.
  • Keeping debris out of the downpipes and the stormwater drain.
  • Carrying out routine drain maintenance. If you know that your drains tend to have issues around a certain time of year, carry out preventative drain maintenance to stop the issue from affecting your home.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

If DIY methods fail to resolve the issue or if you experience frequent clogs, it’s time to call a licensed plumber. We use specialised tools, such as high-pressure water jets and camera inspections, to identify and remove tough blockages. 

Plumbers can also address more serious issues like damaged or collapsed pipes that require repair or replacement. Professional inspection and repair of sewer lines are crucial to prevent further damage. Ignoring persistent problems can lead to costly water damage, unsanitary conditions, and even raw sewage backups.

Have you noticed the early signs of a blocked drain in your home? Have you tried to clear a blockage yourself but have been unsuccessful? Or do you want to perform routine drain maintenance for your sewer or stormwater drainage services? If you have answered yes to any of those, it may be time to call Canberra Plumbing and Drains! Our team of friendly, highly qualified, and experienced technicians are able to attend your home and use the most suitable method to clear your drains. Call our team on 0474 488 899 to book your appointment today!


Can I use boiling water to unclog a drain?

While boiling water can help dissolve some clogs, it can also damage PVC pipes and cause sealants to fail. Use caution and avoid pouring boiling water directly onto porcelain fixtures, as they may crack.

How often should I have my drains professionally cleaned?

Annual professional cleaning is recommended to maintain clear drains and prevent major drain blockages. However, more frequent cleaning may be necessary if you have older pipes, trees near your blocked sewer line, or a large household.

What should I do if my toilet overflows?

Turn off the water supply to the toilet at the base, then try plunging. If plunging doesn’t work, call a plumber to assess and resolve the issue affecting your sewer drain. Avoid flushing the toilet again until the blockage is cleared.